Once you have paid off one bill use that same money and apply it towards paying off another bill. While you are paying off your bills increase your goals in your commodity trading by using strategies to pay two, three or four bills each month with your profits.
Now you are paying down debt while increasing your profits through commodity trading. This is where it really gets fun because as you pay down your debt using profits from trading you can use money from your paycheck that you no longer have to use to take a vacation or whatever else you want as long as you do not finance it. Make sure you can pay cash for it.
This gets you in the habit of paying cash for what you desire. Believe me this will feel so good!
If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. www.themoneymotivator.com . Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.
David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here. www.themoneymotivator.com You can sign up for your FREE newsletter.
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