Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wealth Building 101 - Evaluate Risk to Reward

My wealth building strategy is pretty simple. Utilize trades where my upside is much greater than my downside. Now you might be saying "Yeah right - in commodities?"

I have used David Wells' wealth building strategies to take advantage of areas in the market that afford me these types of opportunities. The secret wealth building strategies I have learned provide limited downside. The upside is much greater than potential loss.

I like working with David Wells.

If you are interested in learning how to produce greater cash flow then proceed to the following website. If you had a solid method to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game? Why not arm yourself with tools that you can use forever.

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Wealth Building 101 - No Plan Is Not a Good Plan

With so many wealth building strategies available how do you choose the one that works for you? What is you top priority as you develop your wealth building strategy? Debt reduction is a good place to start. You know that if you are handling debt reduction you have chosen something positive.

So what's important to you?

David Wells has been teaching investors how to set up a consistent earning formula. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here right now to get your FREE newsletter.
If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here now. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wealth Building Strategy - Let's See What Happens

Sometimes the best wealth building strategy is waiting to see what happens. This debt reduction plan makes a lot of sense right now. The markets are showing a lot of activity. Let’s use this wealth building strategy right now.

If you are interested in learning how to produce greater cash flow then proceed to the following website. If you had a solid method to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game? Why not arm yourself with tools that you can use forever

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Supplemental Income - Do We Have a Choice?

I must handle supplemental income. I must handle supplemental income. I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. I know what I want. How do I get it?

I have joined up with David Wells. An excellent teacher and great guy. He has shown me how to bring cash into my house. His strategies have helped me earn money. My invitation to you is to check him out.

His wealth building strategies are sound. His advice is well thought out. His concern is helping people.

If you are interested in learning how to produce greater cash flow then proceed to the following website. If you had a solid method to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game? Why not arm yourself with tools that you can use forever

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Wealth Building Strategy Continued

This wealth building strategy is a continuation from yesterday's post.

They will most likely assume you received an inheritance or hit the lottery. Are you going to tell them the truth or will you let them continue in suspense? I know you may be thinking who cares what they think but at least fill them in.

Help them build wealth and get out of debt too. The mortgage melt down is hurting a lot of people. Together we can help many people get through this difficult time.

By telling your family members and friends about the fantastic money being made in the commodities market you will become an Idol to them.

In conclusion, it is possible for you in get involve in the great giveaway happening right now in the commodity markets. There are many commodities going up and making multiyear or record highs. Learn how to take advantage of this phenomenon and you could become the next Idol, at least financially.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here now. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has been teaching investors how to set up a consistent earning formula. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here right now to get your FREE newsletter.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wealth Building Strategy - Supplemental Income is a Must

This blog on wealth building strategies is a continuation of yesterday's post.

With all the mortgage defaults and foreclosures happening, making supplement income has become a necessity. It is no longer optional to look for ways to supplement your income. Investing in commodities can be extremely lucrative.

Imagine being able to make hundreds and even thousands of dollars in a day while your coworkers continue to wonder how you were able to get that new car and upgrade your house to a much bigger one. Your coworkers will wonder why you never seem to worry about money anymore.

More about this debt reduction plan tomorrow.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here now. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has been teaching investors how to set up a consistent earning formula. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here right now to get your FREE newsletter.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wealth Building 101 - How About Corn or Soybeans?

This is a continuation of the wealth building strategy I started a few days ago.

With all the news about the sub-prime market and possible higher gasoline prices it appears Gold will head for $1,000 an ounce sometime over the next 12 months. Another market heading up, up and away is Corn. The Corn market is at an 11-year high.

Soybeans were up 50 cents for November delivery just recently. Each 1 cent in Soybeans equates to $50 in potential profits. This means you could have made $2,500 in 1 day!

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here now. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has been teaching investors how to set up a consistent earning formula. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here right now to get your FREE newsletter.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wealth Building Strategy - Gold

Gold has gotten much brighter as a wealth building strategy. This is a continuation from yesterdays blog.

Just to give you an idea of how much money this market represents, Gold has gone up $100 in the last three weeks alone. Each $1 in Gold equates to $100 in potential profits. This means you could have made $10,000 in the last three weeks had you been properly positioned in this market.

Goldman Sachs recently raised its estimates on the price of Gold. I have been writing about the increase in the price of Gold for some time now. It is nice of Goldman Sachs to join the party, no matter how late.

See more of this wealth building strategy tomorrow.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here now. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has been teaching investors how to set up a consistent earning formula. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here right now to get your FREE newsletter.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Build Wealth and Instantly Become an American Idol

David Wells has been using gold as a wealth building strategy.

Building wealth has become more than the American dream. It still amazes me that more middle-class workers are not participating in the great giveaway that is happening in commodities. There are so many lucrative opportunities in the commodity markets that it almost seems like winning the lottery every week.

The Gold market continues to make record highs. I previously wrote about the Gold market being on pace to shatter the old record of $850 an ounce. It crushed the old record and went to $900 an ounce.

See more on these wealth building strategies tomorrow.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here now. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has been teaching investors how to set up a consistent earning formula. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here right now to get your FREE newsletter.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Secret Wealth Building - Is Not So Secretive

Many to most people I talk to that have accumulated wealth have the same answer when I ask them what is the most important thing you would tell some one as a wealth building strategy to follow.

Their answers seem to ring the same bell. Create relationships with supportive people. These people will NOT be yes people. They will SUPPORT you. They will hold you accountable to your goals and desires.

Working at what you love to do is the other part of success story. Then work becomes play. Now don't you like to play?

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught people like you and me how to establish a debt reduction system that is useful in any kind of economical environment. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here. You can sign up for your FREE newsletter.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wealth Buillding 101 - Network Power

This wealth building strategy, I have learned, goes a long way in establishing positvie cash flow. Choosing your allies is a critical wealth building strategy done prudently can severely help with your debt reduction.

This power network building can be your key to millions of dollars in income. Just remember to keep a positive attitude and a giving heart. You must always be ready to give first. In paraphrasing Zig Ziglar, a well-known motivation speaker and sales trainer, you can have everything you want, if you will first help enough people get what they want.

In conclusion, you must be passionate about your pursuit of wealth building. You must network with like-minded individuals. The hiring of an experienced wealth building coach will shave years off of your financial goals. This will save you thousands of dollars and make you tens of thousands of dollars more.

As a bonus your coach will be able to keep you passionate and motivated about reaching your financial goals. Your network will be able to do the same. Remember to keep a giving heart. I wish you well in your wealth building mission.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.
Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wealth Buillding 101 - Work With a Competent Coach

Creating supplemental income. Having a coach can make all the difference in the world for you.

The wealth building coach will be able to draw from experience and case studies from other clients. This is like taking a super shortcut to riches. This approach also reduces and quite possibly eliminates the trial and error track.

Another benefit to having a coach is you can gain access to their network. This is kind of like having an instant wealth building team dedicated to you. An even greater benefit is that once you gain access to your coach’s network, you then have access to all the networks that the people in the network have.

More on this wealth building strategy.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.
Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wealth Building 101 - Surround Yourself With People that Have Similar Goals

Some wealth building strategies are quite obvious. Sometimes we need to state the obvious. Engaging with people that have the same or similar goals as you is one wealth building strategy I a support.

In the business world this is called networking. By networking with like-minded individuals you do not have to come up with all the answers and have all the ideas to build wealth. You will be amazed at how you start to think differently when you are in the company of similar thinking people.

There is a quick way to gain access to a network of like-minded individuals while at the same time enhancing your wealth building. This fast approach is to hire an experienced wealth building coach or consultant. An experienced wealth building coach will be able to shave years off of your financial goals.

More on this wealth building strategy.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wealth Building 101 - Make Money Effortlessly

This wealth building strategy is not, I repeat, not about not working. So please do not think that is what I am trying to advocate. It is about surrounding yourself with what will support your wealth building strategies.

What this means is that you have to give more time and energy to your wealth building endeavors. This also means that you have to surround yourself with more of what you want. This includes surrounding yourself with people who are in the pursuit of prosperity. This also includes gaining access to people who already have wealth.

People who have the same goals that you do will cause you to develop a greater sense of wealth building. This is because you will join your ideas and talents with their ideas and talents. The joining of forces will help you obtain wealth at a faster pace.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Secret Wealth Building Formula to Making Million$$

There is a way to accumulate and build wealth with strategies in a manner that almost seems effortless. This is because the person accumulating the wealth is passionate, purposeful, and prosperity focused. In other words, this person focuses single-minded on wealth building.

This does not mean you have to sacrifice everything and everyone that is currently in your life. Although you may have to distance yourself from people and tasks that are not in line with what you want to accomplish. This also does not mean you have to put money ahead of everything else.

Tune in tomorrow as I continue this subject of wealth building strategies and debt reduction.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession, compression, or depression. Yes you heard right. Get your FREE newsletter.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wealth Building 101 - How Much Do You Keep?

This is a simple wealth building strategy. And the final part of the post I have been doing on this subject of being resolved to be wealthy. I like that kind of supplemental income insight. Be steadfast on creating wealth building strategies.

You see, some people keep their eyes on the amount they are giving to Uncle Sam and take their eyes off the amount they get to keep. In fact, it’s probably the amount they are supposed to keep but you and I will get it instead for that very same reason... because they’re taking their eyes off of it.

In the example mentioned, each person’s tax liability will be different depending on the individual circumstance. That’s why it’s important to seek advice from a tax professional whenever discussing your own tax situation. So let’s make a vow to put to rest the concern about taxes. We will plan for them just like we're planning for attracting huge sums of cash.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught people like you and me how to establish a debt reduction system that is useful in any kind of economical environment. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here. You can sign up for your FREE newsletter.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Wealth Building Strategy With Some Teeth - Resolve - You Know You Will

This blog is a continuation of the posts that were about resolving yourself to make profits. I think that is a pretty strong wealth building strategy. David Wells did it and so can you.

You might be thinking $1,250 is not a lot of money. But what if you had multiple $90 investments - as I did - all working for you? Say ten. You could have easily turned $900 into $12,500. If the thought of making $12,500 in four months without getting up and going to work doesn’t excite you or at the very least peak your interest, please pass this article to someone else, because this particular information was not written for you.

On the other hand, assuming you are in fact excited about the previous scenario, let’s continue.

I realize at this point you might be asking yourself, “What about the taxes?”

Well, what about them? I had to pay taxes, but so what? The way I see it, someone else paid my taxes for me because it wasn’t my money to begin with. Remember, I only had an initial $90 in this particular investment. The remaining amount was profit. So I took some of the profits and paid the taxes. Regardless, I still ended up with more than I started with. And I say “thank you” to all the people who continue to pay my taxes. Keep up the good work. Hopefully, they will read this article, and along with us, have other people pay their taxes as well.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught people like you and me how to establish a debt reduction system that is useful in any kind of economical environment. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here. You can sign up for your FREE newsletter.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wealth Building Strategy - With More Teeth

This is a continuation of yesterdays posting. The wealth building strategies are actions that David Wells used to produce some great increases in in his wealth. Those people that played the game with him also made money as well. But more about these and other secret wealth building

game plans later. Please stay tuned.

Now I wouldn’t normally do this but I already feel as though we’re friends. That’s why I’m going to give you a sneak preview of what’s to come in later writings. For one thing, I will show you how I turned $90 into $1,250 in a little over four months! That equates to over a 1200% return. No, it was probably not the way you think. And yes, it was legal and still is.
Was it hard? Yes. I had to pick up a phone and make a call.
Did it require a lot of time? Yes. It took me a full 15 minutes.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught people like you and me how to establish a debt reduction system that is useful in any kind of economical environment. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here. You can sign up for your FREE newsletter.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wealth Building Strategy With Some Teeth - Resolve to Make Pure and Simple Profits

Wait till you see what is coming down the pike from David Wells.

I am excited for you because I know what is about to happen. And I clearly remember how I felt when I first said, “I’ll never be broke again!” Initially, it was a feeling of disbelief, but the more I said it the more I felt it. I became passionate about it. I didn’t worry about the details with regard to how I was never going to be broke. I just believed it. And that’s exactly what you have to do, as well. Just believe it.

More about this wealth building strategy coming up.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught people like you and me how to establish a debt reduction system that is useful in any kind of economical environment. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here. You can sign up for your FREE newsletter.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Wealth Building 101 - Happy New Year

Have a Happy New Year

All the best in 2008 creating supplemental income.

If creating greater cash flow for you is important then go here. Learn constructive secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught people like you and me how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here. You can sign up for your FREE newsletter.