Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Wealth Building Strategy for You to Use

Here is a wealth building strategy that makes a lot of sense. What do you think?

There is a profit phenomenon that is about to occur. Well-informed people are positioning themselves for this occurrence as I write. This opportunity will be very lucrative and could provide substantial profits of $5,000 or more in the next month alone. The opportunity I am discussing is a worldwide event. It will be written about in almost every major newspaper around the world.

This closely guarded secret wealth building strategy has already generated over $4,550 of profits in the last couple of weeks. While many people were distracted with other economic data, such as the dip in the stock market and the housing market slump, a select few were steadily accumulating thousands of dollars in profits. It is not too late to get in on this money machine.

The phenomenon I am talking about is a commodity called Gold breaking the all-time high of $850 per ounce reached in 1980. Some analyst are predicting that if Gold breaks the all-time record it could go to $1,000 or even $2,000 per ounce by the end of the decade. I am not so sure of this.

I do believe that Gold will break its all-time high of $850. A weak U.S. Dollar tends to cause investors to buy Gold as a hedge for protection. The U.S. Dollar is making record lows, which if this persists, will cause Gold to make record highs. All of this may seem technical but just keep reading.

At the time of this writing Gold is trading at $790.40 per ounce. It has not made it to $800 an ounce. The $800 level is a significant level because it is a psychological point for traders. Usually when a market hits a psychological point it begins to go the opposite direction because some traders take their profits. This is called a correction in the market.

However, once the correction has occurred the market will begin to move in the original direction it was moving before the correction. In other words, Gold will have trouble getting over $800 per ounce. It will hit $800 and stall. It may go a little past $800 to $803 or $805 but then people will start taking profits. This profit-taking will send Gold down below $800.

When Gold begins to go back up, that is the time to buy a contract and ride Gold back up. The intent is to ride Gold up to $850. Each $1 in Gold equates to $100. For example, if Gold goes from $810 to $811 this is $100.

Always hedge your trades so you limit your loss if the trade does not go as planned. Use stop losses or other advance strategies such as options to protect your trades. Protecting your initial investment is the first principle.

Another thing to know is that there are other psychological points from $800 to $850. To be safe be extra cautious around the nice round numbers such as $810, $820, etc. Remember to move your stop losses up in order to protect your profits as Gold moves up in price.

Finally, when Gold breaks the $850 price level you will see and hear it reported in every major newspaper and media outlet. By properly preparing yourself for this opportunity you could make $5,000 or more in the next 30 days.

If you are interested in learning how to create debt reduction or a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a consistent money earning formula for them. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here now.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Wealth Building Strategy - Being in the Game

Part of my wealth building strategy is being in the game. I love the action and interest. Following some commodity and waiting for the right time to jump in. It's about being disciplined. Now I look for certain points of entry into a market. If those points do not show up I stay away. This wealth building strategy has helped me maintain a sense of calm. So besides creating a sensible supplemental income plan I am helping myself be less stressful.

If you are interested in learning how to produce greater cash flow then proceed to the following link. If you had a solid wealth building strategy to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game? What would that do for your supplemental income source?

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Debt Reduction or Debt Production Part II

What do you think the wealth building strategy for the banks are?

Part II

What happens next?

The bank will start sending you credit card offers. Do you think they are being nice or this is their wealth building strategy?

You know the offers I’m talking about. The credit card offers where you can transfer your balances for 0% interest for the first 6 months. After the 6 months is over your interest rate goes up to around 9% or more. They also offer to give you other loans for 10%-12% interest. I know you may be thinking well when the 6 months of 0% interest is up I will switch to a different offer from another company. I hope you will.

Part of the heist is banks pay you 1% interest when you give them money but they make you pay them 9%-12% when you borrow your money back. Remember the money is not the bank’s money it is your money or another member’s money. Now this part will really make you upset. Banks take your money and invest it in things such as commodities and make returns of 20%-50%. And then when you asked for it back in a loan they charge you interest. So banks can make a profit from 29%-62% on your money. When you factor in the fact that most people continue to borrow money over and over again the profits for the banks skyrocket.

After learning how the banks used my money to make themselves rich I decided to use my money to help make me rich. I now teach others how to create financial freedom for themselves.

Now that I have revealed the biggest heist in history I am tasking you with finding a way to make your money work for you instead of working for the banks.

If you are interested in learning how to produce greater cash flow using sound wealth building strategies then proceed to the following link. If you had a solid method to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game? How would that effect your debt reduction plan?

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Debt Reduction or Debt Production

Hopefully this is not your wealth building strategy.

Imagine being able to steal untold millions of dollars in plain view without getting caught. Impossible you say. Be careful because you are most likely a victim of this heist. In fact, you may actually be giving these thieves referrals so that they can dupe your friends and family.

For a while I was not aware of how the scheme worked. It was after talking to someone who was in on it that I got to see the entire operation at work. I have to say it is quite an elaborate conspiracy. It involves so many people. I couldn’t believe I fell for it for so many years.

Here’s how the scheme works. You go in to a bank to open a savings account. The bank representative smiles and says pleasant things to you because you brought your money to them. With a big smile the bank representative tells you that you should be happy because you will be earning 1% on your money (if you’re lucky). Trust me when I tell you, the bank representative’s smile gets bigger after you leave. You’ll see why a little later.

You go home feeling pretty good about yourself because you have finally started working on your financial independence. Good for you! It is definitely a start. The question becomes is it what you were really looking for. Don’t get me wrong everyone should have a savings account. But a savings account by nature is not designed to make you money. In fact it won’t save your money either. That’s right you read it correctly. A savings account will not save your money instead it will help slow down your spending.

Naturally you may be asking yourself how can a savings account not save my money? Here’s the answer to this question. A bank pays you 1% interest on your savings account and the government guarantees your money. Meaning that if the bank should go out of business the government insures you that you will get your money back up to $100,000.

A further look reveals just what the bank and the government are guaranteeing you. The bank pays you 1% interest and inflation eats away your money at 3% per year. Inflation simply means that your money will buy you less than what it bought you last year with the same money. So in other words the bank and the government are guaranteeing that you will lose at least 2% of your savings a year. This figure is arrived at by the 3% you are losing to inflation and the 1% interest paid to you by the bank, which means you are only losing 2% a year. That is until you figure in the taxes you have to pay on the 1% interest the bank paid you. However, we won’t talk about the taxes in this scenario.

If you are interested in arming yourself with proven wealth building strategies that work. If you are interested in learning how to generate cash flow then go here right now.

If you had a way to make money in good times and bad you would surely be ahead of the game. Go here right now to find out how.

Wealth Buiilding Strategy - What Is Creating This Trend?

Lets face it. If you know, with some certainty, what is going to happen in the future you have a great chance of creating a supplemental income source for yourself. Keep reading to see if you agree with what David is saying.

Have you often wished you could have got in on a tremendous money making opportunity before it took off? How would you feel if you had bought Microsoft stock when it first went public and your investment doubled 5 times? Imagine how rich you would be right now?

I’m not saying you should be in Microsoft stock at this time. In fact Microsoft’s stock has stayed in the $25 range for years now. Sorry, you missed that opportunity but there’s a bigger opportunity coming around the corner. In just a moment I will even tell you what’s driving the opportunity.

The opportunity I am speaking of, if you have not already guessed, is commodities. Why commodities? There are many reasons but to name a few, the margin requirements are ridiculously low compared to stocks, less time consuming, and they have the potential to generate more profits at a faster pace.

We all know that for the most part, wealthy people know how to increase their wealth. So why not follow wealthy people? The obvious difference is that they are able to invest more money than us but as long as we follow the same techniques and strategies our money will grow too.

Wealthy people are moving some of their money into commodities right now! Warren Buffet has profited over $70 million in commodities. Would you stop investing in commodities if you made that kind of money and there was still more to come? Neither would Warren.

Jim Rogers, co-founder of the Quantum Fund, was able to retire at the age of 38 after making hundreds of millions of dollars in commodities. He is so excited about what he sees in commodities that he came out of retirement and has already made millions more.

My belief is that, in the past, commodities received a bad name because people did not understand how investment cycles work. Some people were caught investing in them when they were out of cycle. However, commodities are in an up trend. According to experts these trends last for 10-18 years!

This secret wealth building plan can work wonders for you.

Tune in tomorrow to see what the strength is behind the trend.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a consistent earning formula for them. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here now.

Secret Wealth Building Revealed

Aren’t you worth it?

Having a wealth building strategy that you can depend will provide a system that you can take advantage of when you want to use it. Once you own the wealth building strategy you are not the same person.

It is time for you to use a life-changing secret to earn substantial profits. This secret is not taught in college or business school. I should know because I earned two degrees and never learned anything close to this huge money making secret while attending college. However, I did learn how to work for other people and make them rich.

Yet this secret has been responsible for billions of dollars in profits being created just today alone. Banks use this secret to make outrageous profits on YOUR money. In fact, the elite have used this secret to milk millions of dollars in profits almost on a daily basis.

This secret is used by the most successful people. People like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Jim Rogers just to name a few. Learn and master this secret and you could earn a fortune in a relatively small amount of time.

Take total control of your earning potential by learning this secret. The secret is that commodities are in a super bull market. A bull market means that prices will continue to increase. This super bull market is expected to last 10-20 years!

What are some of those wealth building strategies?

This means that commodities such as gold, crude oil, corn, soybeans and gasoline just to name a few, will be steadily increasing in price. Of course, there will be pullbacks along the way because nothing goes straight up. Just think about how much money is going to be made during this time.

What this means to you is that by learning some proven wealth building strategies and applying them to investing in commodities, you can earn more money than you can count in your lifetime. This is not a get-rich quick scheme but it is the answer to your dreams. Profits have been piling up steadily.

A profit in wheat of 180% was made in just three days. This was not difficult to do. Wheat supplies have been down and the crops recently had some rain damage. This means the wheat supplies have been reduced but not the demand. This naturally increased the price of wheat.

Fortunes are being created everyday in this field of investing. Many of these fortunes are being created by ordinary investors using simple techniques that are spelled out in plain English. You might be just one well-timed investment away from creating a fast fortune.

I invite you to learn more about the super bull market happening in commodities by clicking here: Wealth Code Breaker

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. . Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here.

Friday, October 26, 2007

David Wells Is the Man for Me for My Wealth Building Strategies

I knew I wanted to work with David Wells. A good friend of mine , that I trusted, told me about him. I knew of him and had spoken to David a few times. My wealth building strategies at the time needed a boost and I was looking to do something

Debt reduction was important and trading commodities had appealed to me for quite some time. In fact I had taken a course on commodities trading about 4 years ago. I did very well paper trading commodities in that course. But when it came to exercising a real trade I froze. I did not have the confidence to pull off a trade.

By working with David I can claim that I have the confidence and I have profits. His secret wealth building strategies work.

I will share some more in the future about some wealth building strategies and supplemental income.

Aron Wallad

If you are interested in learning how to produce greater cash flow then proceed to the following link. If you had a solid method to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game?

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Your Key to Reaching Your Dreams

Wealth-building using strategies of the rich can earn you huge profits. The sleeping financial giant has awakened. The rich are already using this giant for enormous profits but now it is your turn.

The giant has awakened and most people are still acting as if the giant is still hibernating. You are being made aware of the giant and now it is time to do something about it. This giant can be your key to wealth building.

Best of all, this giant is going to make more people rich in a shorter amount of time than anything else in history!

I am not telling you what I heard; I am telling you what I know. I have seen this wealth giant up close. I have even touched this giant and gleamed gigantic profit from it.

David Wells has used some secret wealth building tactics that have made him lots of money. His one time supplemental income is now his main income. Using his secret wealth building strategies can cause you wealth.

If you are interested in learning how to produce a greater cash flow then proceed to the following link. If you had a solid method to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game?

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wealth building 101 - Following the Masses Is Not a Good Strategy

Wealth building 101 - continued

What is your wealth building strategy thinking? Take a look at your own game plan for creating money now.

Here is part II of yesterday’s blog about creating a wealth building strategy mindset.


Wealthy people grow their money elsewhere and use the stock market to help preserve their wealth. You see wealthy people know that it takes far too long to get rich on small profits so they go where the big profits are. Where is this? It is in commodities. Crude oil, soybeans, corn, gold and cattle are just some examples of commodities.

How would you like to turn the tables on the liars and make big money? Okay, remember the lairs use the S&P 500 and the Dow to make money. You can beat both the S&P 500 and the Dow with one investment. I recommend purchasing contracts or call options in the gold market on the commodities exchange.

For example, on the day of this writing if you had invested $2,000 you would now have $3,400. This is a 70% profit. The best part of all is that this was done in one day. You could take your profits and you would have beaten the liars because they could not give you this amount of profits even if they had a year or two to do it.

Another piece of advice I’ll share with you is that most people buy when the investment is rising. This can be the worse time to buy. Wait until the price drops a bit, believe me it will, and then buy. You may be asking yourself two questions. The first is why wait and the second is how do I know the price will drop a bit?

The reason you buy on down days is because you get in at a better price. I realize this is contradictory to how most people invest. They usually buy on up days because amateur investors say that is the time to buy. However, it is best to buy when more people are selling and sell when more people are buying.

For example, today in gold more people are buying and that is why the price is up. I would tell you to take your profits and get out. You would be out with a nice profit. Tomorrow if the price goes down I would tell you to get back in. You would be able to get in cheap because more people would be selling and that would be why the price would be down.

The reason the price will surely drop sometime in the next few days is because eventually there would be massive profit taking. People would get out of the investment and take their profits. As more and more people began to see others take their profits they will do the same and it will drive down the price.

You and I would have already taken our profits earlier and now we would be looking to get back in as these other people are unloading their investment. You and I would get back in at a bargain.

Buy on down days and sell on up days. This is how real fortunes are made!

If this sounds like a strong wealth building strategy then you have come to the right place.

If you are interested in learning how to produce cash flow then proceed to the following link. If you had a solid method to make money in good times or bad times do you think you would be ahead of the game?

Go here right now to find out how David does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Building Wealth 101 - Follow the Masses, I Don’t Think So

Building Wealth 101 - Follow the Masses, I Don’t Think So

Is everyone using the wealth building strategy? It is probably wise to look in another direction. Keep that idea in mind as you read this blog.

You have been lied to in regards to how to make lots of cash. When I say lots of cash I mean up to 100% profits. If this amount of profits seems far fetched keep reading. I will tell you who lied to you, why they lied and what you can do to fix it and make a ton of money. I will even tell you where to earn big money now.


We have all heard of this wealth building strategy. Or should I say mindset?

Investment fund managers and so-called analysts and experts have deceived the public into believing that earning 4% - 11% a year is good. They have suckered you into thinking that if they help you earn profits of 15% - 22% a year you should bow down to them and call them king or queen.

These liars want you to think that since they went to leading schools that they know best how to manage your money. I have yet to see a school really teach a person how to grow money. If these schools taught the liars how to grow money they would not have so much student loan debt.

I recently read a full page advertising for a major mutual fund company where they used an example, that if you invested $4,000 at the age of 35, hypothetically if your investment grew at 8% annually you would end up with $59,141 at retirement. In the small print they tell you that the ending value does not include taxes, fees, or inflation. You and I know that if you back out taxes, fees and inflation you would probably be left with your original $4,000.

The advertising goes on to tell the readers that they should not stunt their IRAs growth and should contribute every year. They want you to contribute to their fund of course. Why would you continue to contribute to their fund and at best end up with $59,141 for your retirement in 30 years? By the way, the advertising does not mention what the mutual fund actually made the previous year. This may be because the mutual fund actually made less than the 8% they talk about.


The liars lied to protect their own interests. The liars can comfortably invest your money without too much thought and earn single digit and sometimes low double digit profits for you. They can put your money in an index fund such as the S&P 500 or the Dow, which are a group of stocks that are supposed to mimic what the overall stock market is doing.

In taking this approach if they lose your money they can say, well everyone lost money because the overall market was down. In other words, you don’t really expect them to make you money even when others are losing money do you? Come on this would require too much work on their part.

It is easier for the liars to collect their fees from you regardless if you make money or not by simply investing in the same manner as their counterparts. This way they do not have to worry too much if you decide to take your money out and move it to another mutual fund, because for the most part there is little difference in the way they are all performing.

If everyone is using a wealth building strategy – it is probably not a good wealth building strategy to use.

Tune in tomorrow for the follow up to this blog.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. . Learn confidence creating secret wealth building strategies that you can use forever.

David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Your Wealth Building Strategy - What Is Your Game Plan?

Creating a wealth building strategy machine can take some time. That same supplemental income faucet can be turned on fast or slow. That is really up to you. See what David has to say.

I have made thousands of trades over the years. But early in my career big profits did not always come easy. I had to continue to redefine and reinvent my methods for profits.

I learned to study particular markets first and see how they behave. Each market is like a child and has its own behavior tendencies. However, like a child these markets tend to show off when you least expect them too.

You have a unique opportunity to learn what it took years for me to learn. You can focus on one or two strategies to enjoy new monthly income. I am offering to let you peek behind the curtain and learn the exact strategies I used to earn over $52,000 in profits in a very short time.

To learn how I generated over $52,000 in profits visit the website below and order Generating Five Figures in Four Months.

If you are interested in learning how to generate cash flow then go here right now.

If you had a way to make money in good times and bad you would surely be ahead of the game. Go here right now to find out how.

Yesterday's Wealth Building Strategy Revealed

If you remember in yesterdays blog David Wells' wealth building strategy was about buying gold. The article that was pointed to was one published in Ezine Articles on March 21, 2006. (See previous blog for link to that article in Ezine Articles.)

At the time of that writing gold was near $553 per ounce. At the end of 2006 gold was over $600 per ounce. And as of October 20, 2007 gold is well over $700 per ounce.

This wealth building strategy worked for others.

Do you think you can learn some new secret wealth building plan? If you are interested in learning how to generate cash flow then go here right now.

If you had a way to make money in good times and bad you would surely be ahead of the game. Go here right now to find out how.

Here Is a Wealth Buildind Strategy That Seemed to Work

Tell me if you think this wealth building strategy would have handled your debt reduction.

All of your life you have been waiting for an opportunity where you can make a fortune. Just think of it, no more debt. No more bill collectors calling and no more working for that idiot of a boss. Your ship has finally come in.

There is something happening that is so big that if you knew how to properly position yourself to take advantage of it you could make a fortune. The huge opportunity I’m talking about is investing in the Gold market. For people who have been following this market it is known that Gold is going up in value.

This one market alone can make you some serious cash. The reason Gold is going up is because China and other countries are demanding more of it. Another reason is because as interest rates go up people tend to flock to Gold as an investment.

What are some of the prognostication?

Some experts are predicting Gold to be up near the $1000 per ounce level by the end of the decade. Consider that each $1 in the price of Gold equates to $100 in profits. Now consider that at the time of this writing Gold is near $553 per ounce.

Want to know how to make at least a 200% profit by the end of the year? You guessed it, invest in Gold. The fundamentals look good for Gold finishing the year at least above $600 per ounce. Some analysts are projecting Gold to finish the year over $700 an ounce. The more you invest in the Gold market this year the more money you should earn, provided you have used your safety net (stop loss) for protection against temporarily down turns.

Remember - Buy on down days and sell on up days. This is how real fortunes are made!

This wealth building strategy was published in Ezine Articles on March 21, 2006. Check it out for yourself.!&id=162901

Tune in tomorrow to see what the results were.

If you are interested in learning how to generate an ongoing cash flow then go here right now. If you had a solid way to make money in good times and bad times you would surely be ahead of the game.

Your supplemental income might surpass your job income.

Go here right now to find out how he does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Debt Reduction - How One Man Made a Killing Using David Wells' Wealth Building Strategies

Debt reduction is a topic that can be discussed till the cows come home. Steve Kenney, a person that puts financial aid packages together for college bound kids used David Wells' wealth building strategies. He paid for David's course and generated a profit as well. He needed some supplemental income and found it by using David Wells' wealth building strategies. Steve earned over 10 times his money in 31 days.

Was Steve skeptical at first? You bet.
Will Steve have his soon to be college daughter learn what David taught? You better believe it.
Will Steve use the secret wealth building strategies he learned from David to pay for her college education? Duh.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

With Enough Debt Reduction You Have Peace of Mind

David Wells sure does get around.

Stedman Graham and David Wells – Both of us are in love with Oprah!

You could add me to the list as well.

Start thinking debt reduction - Not about debt.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wealth Building Strategy - How to Manifest Wealth

Some wealth building strategies you can take to the bank.

Here are some valuable secret wealth building rules that can help you. Whether debt reduction or being a builder of wealth is important to you these time tested laws apply.

Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, is quoted as saying “money never starts an idea; it's the idea that starts the money”.

I have found time and time again that this holds true for every successful person I meet. People that make a lot of money seem to start out with an idea first. So you need to be honest with yourself and assess your current situation.

If you barely get by then be honest and admit this to yourself. By owning up to your current situation, it will help place you on the right track. If one does not know his or her starting point, then how could he or she possibly arrive at the appointed destination?

Next, you should spend some time thinking about your future and ways to obtain or manifest it. For a long time, I did not realize how much thought must be placed on obtaining wealth, creating wealth building strategies and, of course, keeping that wealth. I was doing the exact opposite. I did not want to get involved in the details of sorting it all out. I just wanted to make money and make money fast.

A secret to building wealth that will do you good.

That is the difference between the “haves” and the “have nots”. The “haves” will spend the same amount of time preparing their minds for wealth as they do generating that wealth. The “have nots” do just the opposite. They want fast answers and fast results. And that’s exactly what they get, a fast “no”.

No dedication and no preparation mean no money!

Think of preparing your mind as the greatest responsibility you have. What I mean by this is see your mind as your most important tool. And with this tool you can achieve anything you can imagine and more. You would go to great lengths protecting your most important tool, right? Of course you would. You would nurture and protect it and invest in it to make it worth even more.

Another way to say this is you should only spend time on the things that will develop your mind to get the most return humanly possible. Your mind is your money machine. I will help you to take cash out any time you are ready. The only catch is you must make the deposits now. And of course, the difference is, the deposits consist of positive belief, positive attitude, and positive action consistently.

Make no mistake about it... ALL of these will help improve your results for positive cash flow.

Have you ever had an occurrence where you thought about someone you had not seen in years and then suddenly you see them out somewhere? This is a true test of just how powerful your mind really is. Just imagine… we barely skim the surface of the magnificent power of our mind in a lifetime.

I realize all of this may sound good but you still have to deal with the fact that negativity may show its face more often than not. Hopefully you believe that there was a reason that this article found you when it did. It is my strong belief that this article found you because you have been chosen to take yourself, your family and friends to a new level of wealth accumulation.

Building wealth 101 reality.

This wealth accumulation will not come without a fight. You are going to have to fight the thoughts of negativity. It is only those who win this fight that go on to obtain fantastic financial wealth. I challenge you to knockout negativity with positive words, phrases and actions.

Secret wealth building outlook

If you are like me you will have to settle it in your mind that you can not fail. You may get off course but you can not fail if you believe this for yourself. Develop a mindset that you are a success. The moment you decide to become a success then you are a success. Now you must show everyone that you are a success and how they can become a success too.

Finally, remember it is the idea that starts wealth accumulation. Decide right now that you will do whatever it takes to prepare your mind to funnel tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars to you. Wealth building strategies are a state of mind.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a consistent earning formula for them. Learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets that will support you when times are good or when times are bad. Go here now.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Your Wealth Building Strategies Can Create Your Independence

Another supplemental income plan or is it an attitude change? Wealth building strategies are a state of mind. If you think about wealth building strategies they become part of your life.

Happy Independence Day from the Money Motivator!

Hey it’s not Independence Day – Or is it?

If you don't celebrate "The 4th of July" like we do in the United States, today still presents you with an awesome opportunity to examine your independence.

Independence means the quality or state of being dependent. The word dependent means not subject to control by others, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

A full 95% of the world will NEVER know what it feels like to have true independence. True independence involves being free from debt, which is a form of control. I have seen debt destroy far too many relationships, including mine. It was not until I decided promote my own debt reduction that I was able to begin to enjoy life.

Today can mark your first step in gaining true independence. You must complete one simple action. The first step is simple, yet it can be so powerful that it can set off a firestorm of ideas to end your finance problems.

What is the first step? It is simply to DECIDE to eliminate debt wherever possible. For now do not concern yourself with how this will happen, just make the decision and in due time you will find the solutions.

Today just decide to eliminate debt and then go out and have fun. In later articles I will reveal techniques and strategies to help you blast off on your way to total financial freedom.

I also invite you to send me emails on creative ways that you may have about debt reduction, so that I may share them with other readers, giving you full credit. My email address is

Visit to read my true story on how I began to eliminate debt. It is my hope that my story can inspire you to start to believe that you can change your circumstances in an instant. Also in my story is a technique I used to save money.

To answer the question posed by the title of this article is independence overrated? No, it is underrated and that is why so many people are in debt, and therefore dependent on creditors.

In closing. Are you in a state of wealth building your strategies or are you thinking about debt?

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here.

Hey - Who are these guys?

Mark Victor Hansen, David Wells, Robert G. Allen – 3 Bestselling Coauthors!

These guys really got dressed up when they heard I agreed to take a picture

with them. They knew this would skyrocket their careers. LOL!!

Hansen - coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul series

Wells - coauthor of Wakeup and Live the Life You Love: Seizing Your Success

Allen - coauthor of the One-Minute Millionaire

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Creating Debt Reduction State of Mind

Part V of David Wells' story

Putting it all together. My wealth building strategies were paying off.

Have you already given some thought on how to make money other than just working?

The reason I was able to take the news and shake it off was because during the year I had made more money off my job then I did on my job. I had been investing in commodities and was making a killing. My wealth building strategies were working. Debt reduction was a reality and I was feeling real good about things.

Like most people the reason I was still on my job was because of the security I felt it provided. I can tell you that I was more productive and more energetic at work than at any other time in my life. Take it from me it is a greater sense of security and energy when you are working because you want to work rather than because you have to work.

To be fair they offered me a severance package and even gave me an opportunity not to be downsized but instead to take another position elsewhere. Investing in commodities had provided me options that I never had before. I turned down the new position, took the severance package and after working the next 60 days said goodbye.

Looking back I can say that I am grateful for having worked for that particular company and it was the best job I ever had.

I took time off to travel and meet someone of the most successful people on the planet (see pictures below). I also received numerous requests from employees at my previous job to teach them what I was doing to be able to have walk-off-the-job money. This was the beginning on my business. This is also the cure for your paycheck-to-paycheck syndrome or P2PS as we call it around our offices.

Commodities can be your cash cow! Secret wealth building strategies are a must.

Are you ready to cure the P2PS? Let’s build a supplemental income stream of cash flow with sound wealth building strategies that you can use. You do not have to take a broker’s advice. Learn the secrets to wealth building.

If you are interested in learning how to generate cash flow then go here right now. If you had a solid way to make money in good times and bad you would surely be ahead of the game. Go here right now to find out how he does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Keeping a Mindset About Wealth Building Strategies

Part IV of David’s story

My wealth building strategies paid off. My attitude was positive when most people would have been distraught I was confident. Building wealth 101 shaped my mindset and gave me the debt reduction tools I needed even when I was about to be let go.

Sometimes payback can be so rewarding, wouldn’t you agree?

I thought the change of combining the functions of my job and my supervisor’s job was a no-brainer. However, I do not think they should have brought someone else in from the outside if they were going to still make this new person use the same policies, strategies and functions that were already in place. They did make the new person use the same tools available. They lost a combined 15 years of company experience. As you probably guessed this new person did not last. I did get to know my replacement before I left and I think he was a great guy and a good hiring decision.

I continued to explain that they were in reaction mode instead of being proactive. They were stunned how I had come to the same decision they did only much, much sooner. In hindsight I did not think that either my supervisor or I would actually be downsized. I actually thought they would realign us in some manner however when I got the news that I was leaving the company I was ready for it.

I cannot stress how important it was to have some wealth building strategies in place.

Before I explain how I was ready for it, I want to say that before I left the office where they delivered the news I said to myself, probably loud enough for them to hear, that I was going to help other people not to have to go through this. I do not want you to be in a position where a single decision by your employer can dramatically decrease your income and change your life for the worse.

Having a plan while working to create supplemental income, made the transition of leaving work and working on my own a sound wealth building strategy. This was my secret wealth building game plan.

If you are interested in learning how to generate cash flow then go here right now. If you had a solid way to make money in good times and bad you would surely be ahead of the game.

Go here right now to find out how he does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Stay with me tomorrow for the final part of David’s story.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Wealth Building Strategies Can Be Learned

Part III of David’s story

Wealth building strategies must be cultivated to stay ahead of the crowd.

What would you have done if you were in a similar situation?

Here is the next part of the story.

I repeated what I said and followed it up with I expected this to happen months ago. The director and the human resources manager looked at each other and asked me to explain. I wish you could see the looks on their face. They were not expecting me to say what I said and they wanted me to explain how I saw this coming.

Now apparently they thought they had blindsided me and had me on the ropes until I told them they were a few steps behind. They wanted to know why I thought this was going to happen in earlier months. What they were really asking me was what did they miss and why should they have done this months earlier.

I took the opportunity that presented itself and told them that if they were as smart as they thought they were they would have made this decision when there was a change from the past director to the new one as this was the best time to make staff changes and combine job functions. This would have woke up the other 200+ employees especially, the ones who were not pulling their weight. I did not say this word for word but I instead used the elaborate corporate speech they used on me except, I used plain and simple words.

I was so thankful that I chose to work on debt reduction and wealth building strategies while I was away from the office. My supplemental income studies had surely paid off.

If you are interested in learning how to generate cash flow then go here right now. If you had a way to make money in good times and bad you would be positioning yourself favorably. Most people do not do this. But you can.

Go here right now to find out how he does it. David Wells can show you a way to make money during inflation, recession or depression. Yes you heard right.

Tune in tomorrow for the next part of the story.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Wealth Building Strategies Help Avoid a Bad Situation

Part II of David’s story.

Because David had a wealth building strategy in place he was confident when he met his associates. His associates had some bad news (at least they thought it was bad news) for David.

Did you ever think how your supplemental income will help you if you really needed it? Do you have supplemental income? Stay with the story to see how David’s wealth building strategies helped him remain strong while others might crumble.

Here we go with the next part of the story.

Anyway as I sat in the chair where the director and the human resource manager were staring at me as they delivered the news, I knew they were looking for me to react disappointed and upset as my supervisor did earlier. As they looked at me in anticipation of me getting ready to blowup I thought to myself… they will never see me sweat!

They will not get the satisfaction of thinking they had such an impact on my life. This may seem silly but I thought about these two going back and telling the other managers in their little clique how I had become irate and unprofessional after they delivered the news.

Instead I looked at each one of them smiled and said, “Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to work here for the past few years. I knew this day was coming and I was wondering what was taking so long.” The Human Resource Manager looked at me and said, “What?”

Do you think he was shocked?

Don’t you just love it?

Tune in tomorrow for the next part of the story.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Building Wealth 101

Creating supplemental income was one of David Wells' wealth building strategies that served him well. He was not in a panic when he lost his job.

Here is the first part of David Wells’ story. As you read the entire story you might say he had a secret wealth building philosophy.

This story may sound familiar to you. It may have happened to you or someone you know.

Upon hearing the frightening news that I would be downsized from a job where I was an impact player, to say the least, I felt betrayed. I was told that both my immediate supervisor and I would be replaced by a single person, probably for less pay. In the past I had offered up ideas to benefit the company. My programs would always be approved and then placed on hold for one reason or another. I was proud of the fact that my ideas were creative and were a great benefit to the company. You know what I mean, profitable while at the same time increasing employee morale.

Up to this point I thought I was doing all the right things. Moving up the management career ladder, earning a college degree, and taking what I was learning and incorporating the ideas into my employer’s environment. I was working full-time and attending a major university as a full-time student. Working hard with little sleep was the way I thought I could get ahead at my company.

To add insult to injury, although while not told this, it was implied that I would train the person that would replace me. While I knew there was no such thing as job security anymore, I always thought that I would leave on my own terms. To say the least, I expected not to have to train my damn replacement!

Oh well, I guess in this new environment where some employers trample on workers rights and have the you-need-me-I-don’t-need-you attitude, I was blessed. Unlike others before me I was given a 60-day notice. A couple of years earlier the company did the same thing, only the employees had a 60-minute notice. “You have 1 hour to take your stuff and split” is what I imagined they said. Of course, they said this in the elaborate corporate speech they had perfected over the years.

Tune in tomorrow for part II of David’s story.

If you are interested in learning how to create a money making discipline for yourself, right now, then go here. .

David Wells has taught others how to establish a debt reduction system that can be used in good times or bad. To learn some wealth building strategies and money making secrets go here.